41 results
Girlicious - Stupid shit
They say she off the meter.
From the track to the beat.
Oh yeah, I'm vicious ...
Kate Ryan - Wonderland
How did you do it
How did you make me fall for you so badly
How did it happen
How come I just gave my heart to you so gladly ...
Dima Bilan - Fan Number One
They call me Dima Bilan... They call me Dima Bilan...
Love at first sight
I've been watching you all night
What I gotta do for you ...
Faith Hill - There you`ll be
When I think back on these times
And the dreams we left behind
I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get
To have you in my life ...
  8071  10 
Cascada - Another You
So many times I was alone and couldn't sleep
You left me drowning in the tears of memory
And ever since you've gone, I found it hard to breathe
'Cause there was so much that your heart just couldn't see ...
Hilary Duff - Stranger
Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind!
Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide
You treat me like a queen when we go out,
wanna show everyone what our love's about ...
  8763  11 
Rihanna feat. Ne-Yo - I hate that I love you
As much as I love you
As much as I need you
And I can`t stand you ...
  19264  13 
Infernal - I won`t be crying
You always check yourself
In every mirror you see, day and night
And it is such a shame
Your vanity is to blame ...
Mans Zelmerlow - Cara mia
Who's gonna love you?
Who's gonna take my place and stand by your side?
Kiss you and hold you
Console you when you cry? ...
  5268  11 
Kelly Clarkson - Never Again
I hope the ring you gave to her
Turns her finger green
I hope when you're in bed with her
you think of me ...
  14244  16 
September - Cry For You
I never had to say goodbye
You must have known I wouldn't stay
While you were talking about our life
You killed the beauty of today ...
Hilary Duff - Gypsy woman
Was it a face that invaded your mind
A kind that wasn't hard to find
She lets you think that you found her first
That's how she works ...
Sestic - Rijeka Bez Imena
Rijekom bez imena,
Kao val,
Neka krene moja bol
Da te nae ...
Ni oka da sklopim,
postelja prazna tera san,
a zivot se topi
i nestaje brzo, k'o dlanom o dlan. ...
  9178  10 
Up Şekerim
She smiled at me, said:
"Would you like it sweet and low?"
"I know a place where we can
Take it nice and slow" ...
Never, never, never, never
We hide in the bed
And devotion is finding a way
When highness exists for those people ...
- Mojot svet
Najna najna, nanana najna
Najna najna, nanana najna
Najna najna, nanana najna
Najna najna, nanana na ...
Atomic Kitten - Nothing in the world
It's been so long I can't remember when
We didn't care how deep it was
We dived right in
Watching everything around us disappear ...
Omarion - Ice Box
Fussin' and fightin', we back at it again
I know that, it's my fault, but you don't understand (no)
I got memories, this is crazy
You ain't nothing like the girl I used to know ...
  10178  13 
Rihanna feat. Jay Z - Umbrella
Ahuh Ahuh (Yea Rihanna)
Ahuh Ahuh (Good girl gone bad)
Ahuh Ahuh (Take three... Action) ...
  14905  21 
Ciara - Like A Boy
Pull up your pants
(Just Like Em')
Take out the trash
(Just Like Em') ...
  22527  19 
Bad Boy - Cascada
Remember the feelings, remember the day
My stone heart was breaking
My love ran away
This moment I knew I would be someone else ...
CASCADA - Can't Stop The Rain
How, how am I supposed to feel
When everything surrounding me
Is nothing but a fake disguise
I don't know, ...
Hilary Duff - With Love
I don't mind you telling me what's been on your mind lately
I don't mind you speaking up
I know sometimes I can be all wrapped up and into me
I can be in such a rush ...
  8803  23 
Anna Vissi - Call me
Call me, I'm feeling so lonely, I'm lost without you
Call me, all I'm asking is to hold me, just one more time
Sleepless nights, with sweating agony
thinking how it all went wrong for me, ...
Sarbel - Yassou , Maria
First off she 's a lady
And this is a lady's world
Man she drives them crazy
Dancing like a chiki girl ...
Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
Hey Hey You You
I don't like your girlfriend
No way No way
I think you need a new one ...
  5388  10 
jesse mccartney - the best day of my life
Woke up around a half past ten
Can’t believe that I’m late again
Put down about a quart of caffine
To start my pulse and then ...
(Eurovision 2006, Ukraine)
Hi, baby, here I am
Feel like I'm born again
You see it in my eyes – my heart is on fire
Don't hide your love away – don't wait another day ...
Дима Билан - Я так люблю тебя
Не знакомо, не вероятно
Слишком ново, слишком приятно
Делу время и стучит в темя
Что приготовила новая тема ...
Дима Билан - Ето была лобовь
Белый город во сне , он остался со мной
Он укрыт в тишине равнодушной зимой
Холодней пустоты без тебя душа моя
Этот мир , как и ты , стал чужим для меня ...
Дима Билан - Невъзможное възможно
Я знаю точно – невозможное возможно
Сойти с ума, влюбиться так неосторожно
Найти тебя, не отпускать ни днем ни ночью
Все невозможное – возможно, знаю точно! ...
Dima Bilan - Not that simple
You should've written, me a letter
Instead of saying what you say
It could've turned out so much better
And now your words play inside my head ...
September - Satellites
Even an angel can end up falling
Don't you cry, because you're crawling
Start again, it's a beautiful morning
For satellites ...
Us5 - Maria
she`s the kind of girl, makes you look twice
makes the fellas not their heads
so fine, that every man would wanna hold her hand ...
Малките планети са най-вероятната среда за възникване на живот и тяхното издирване е приоритет за астрономите.
Първият космически спътник, създаден за издирване на палнети с размери подобни на Земята, трябва да бъде изстреля ...
Тревопасният Turiasaurus riodevensis спадал към подразреда Зауроподи, имал дължина 30-37 метра и тегло 40-48 тона
В Испания бяхо открити останките на динозавър, който е най-голямото животно, живяло някога на Стария континент ...
Топенето на Алпите – негативи и положителни страни
В момента височината на алпийските планини се увеличава. Учените постоянно следят този процес. Сега обаче изследователски колектив от Миланския университет (Universita degli ...
Helena Paparizou - Heroes
Desire, the fire, it's haunting you
The passion, and action, you take me through
I'm living it, I'm loving it
This is where the dreams come alive ...
Cascada- (I need a) Miracle
Boy meets girl
You were my dream,my world
But i was blind
You cheated on me from behind ...
Random works
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