17 results
I am so sorry.
You are too young, and your heart has been broken endlessly.
By people you never thought would break it.
Im sorry you have to put on a mask over your emotions to focus on others.
Trying so desperately to fix others while your own hands were trembling. ...
Трудно е... и то много! Преживява ли човек катарзиси в живота си, за да се извиси? Каква е цената? Заслужава ли си? Може би да, а може и да не... Кой знае отговора? Знам само че това пред което ме изправя живота е тежко... много тежко... Имам ли избор? Да имам... Не взимам тежки решения, уча се. Все ...
No Mercy for Einstein
It’s my simple thought – since years when I was a teenager. I like all works of Einstein. I admire and adore Albert Einstein and his works. I think he is even now – 2018 – misunderstood. Why? Why I think so? Or why he is misunderstood? Many physicists, even famous ones, during ...
Свързвах дълго време смъртта с ужасния образ на съсухрена старица, грабнала коса и готова да сече. Но ти ми показа, че не е точно така. Смъртта е равна на раздяла с близките. И тъга, която се настанява трайно в дните им. Това стана и с мен...
Смъртта е неразбрана и неясна. Всичко казано и доказано з ...
1. The problem of definitions
There is an issue that arises in almost every serious conversation – the divergent meanings of terms. This is an especially pernicious issue in philosophical discourse – so many schools of thought, so many different frameworks, axioms, metaphysics and epistemologies. Fa ...
Всяка сутрин Слънцето сменя Луната на небосвода
и заема мястото ѝ като пазач на безкрайността.
С изгряването на първите му лъчи, изчезва и
последният спомен от дългата и студена нощ,
носейки със себе си надежда за нещо по-добро. ...
When you think of the word ‘love’ what comes to mind first is the idea of romantic love as expressed in art, literature, music and everyday life. For the majority of people, there are two types of love other than that of the romantic variety – that for friends and that for family. The goal of this e ...
It is the year 2016 and the world is going insane in so many directions in my opinion, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, if you are living in a city (which is most likely) all you need to do is look around at the ever increasing level of polish, coloration, lights and outright lies an ...
Life is full of uncertainties and unknowns that the most intelligent and the wisest of use are completely powerless to foresee or prepare for and that no amount of computing power would be sufficient to neatly order everything into one concise picture that could be predictive of every element of fut ...
Japanese Colors
“Today my father and I decided to buy a suitable paint for our kitchen, since we are renovating it. So I decided it would be soft green, almost near to white, close to olive. However, when we began to paint the walls, it turned out to be so intense that it was closer to the color of ...
I didn't know who she was. I didn't know where she came from, nor where she was going, but at the moment I saw her, the time slowed down, colors and objects merged and then disintegrated into a shapeless, blurred background in a way that made her look like an angel fallen from heaven. Her white skin ...
That is a really strong word! To be inspirited is the biggest gift you can ask for! If you have that thing that just makes you want to be better and get stronger just so you can reach your final destination then you are a happy person!
Most people see inspiration in big stars that live far away in t ...
Just love you too much. Just love you, love you, love you. I can say this forever. It’s so bad that I don’t have you next to me. I would give everything to have you back. I miss you hugging me and holding me tight. I miss laughing with you. I even miss fighting with you. I miss wandering the streets ...
Hey there, stranger!
Can we talk? Can you spare me a moment of you precious time ? Or do I have to beg for your attention ? Hey there, stranger? Do you remember me? We used to be inseparable? Look at us now? Do you like the person you become? How does it feel to kill my feelings ? Why did you become ...
Letting go of something is hard. Letting go of somebody is even harder. You feel as if you are dying and there is no one to save you. The pain is too much and too real. You know that no one can save you except yourself.
Your strength is leaving you. You are alone and helpless. You are doubting if le ...
Look at me, look at me,
I am weak, he made me weak,
they made me weak and I get weaker.
No one can come and save me from myself
even they, that have made me, what I've become. ...
What is wrong with today’s world? What changed? The answer is everything. When I look around, all I see is a degenerating society. Thirteen-fourteen year olds drink, smoke, have sex, and use drugs. People’s perception of needs and wants has somehow ended up completely distorted and mixed up. They ha ...
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