Jan 19, 2009, 1:24 PM

I'm too old to dream and too young to care... 

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don't kid yourself                                                                                       не се вдетенявай
and don't fool yourself                                                                             и не се заблуждавай
this love's too good to last                    тази любов е прекалено хубава, за да продължи
and I'm too old to dream                                      и аз съм прекалено голям, за да мечтая

don't grow up too fast                                                                  не пораствай твърде бързо
and don't embrace the past                                                            и не потъвай в  миналото
this life's too good to last                         този живот е прекалено хубав, за да продължи
and I'm too young to care                                      a аз съм прекалено млад за да ми пука

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