Dec 15, 2016, 5:17 PM

A world of shiny trash and plastic personalities 

  Essays » Social, Phylosophy
2649 1 1
5 min reading
It is the year 2016 and the world is going insane in so many directions in my opinion, but that’s neither here nor there. The point is, if you are living in a city (which is most likely) all you need to do is look around at the ever increasing level of polish, coloration, lights and outright lies and deception. What we perceive as an object’s worth is growing ever farther from its utilitarian value. We crave to buy completely useless objects that serve only as a status symbol for the short amount of time before they break down and we have to replace them with the newer slightly shinier, yet ultimately just as useless, model. To an extent, relationships with people are becoming more and more so as well – with the advent of social media and greater than ever internet connectivity we have access to a wealth of information unimaginable just a few decades ago.
Let us consider what social media does to how we view others – we see the image they want to present to the world – most often, it i ...

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Един леко мрачен, но честен и в крайна сметка оптимистичен поглед над ценностите на модерния човек - не каквото хората биха искали да прочетат, но до някъде от каквото имат нужда. Прекалено много се взираме във външния облик на вещите и хората и все по-малко гледаме какво всъщност представляват, а целта ми с това есе е да накарам четящите да се замислят колко това се отнася за тях и какво отношение имат към темата.

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