Jun 16, 2021, 9:21 AM

Превенция на комуникативни нарушения 

2271 1 1
70 min reading
Превенция и корекция на комуникативни нарушения чрез програми за езиково развитие
Йорданка Йорданова Донева
логопед в I СУ „Св. Седмочисленици“- град Търговище
Prevention and Correction of Communication Disorders
through Language Development Programmes
Providing the appropriate conditions for complex and optimal language and speech development of each student is a challenge that requires constant changes in speech therapy practice. How can the training be adapted to the student’s individual capacity and interests? Flexibility in teaching is based on the functional assessment of the progress in speech development. The use of early assessment tests (Phonological Awareness Screening Test, School Readiness Test, DESK-3-6-R) and language development programmes highlights the dynamic aspect of the learning/teaching relationship between student and teacher. The use of the prevention of communication difficulties mechanism in the work of the speech therapist and the primary teacher pr ...

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