Jun 8, 2022, 1:58 PM

Успешен модел за развитие на езикова компетентност 

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Успешни модели за развитие на езикова компетентност в училищната логопедична практика
Йорданка Донева- училищен логопед в Първо средно училище „Свети Седмочисленици“- Търговище
Successful models for developing language competence in school speech therapy practice
Yordanka Doneva – school speech therapist at First SU „Sveti Sedmochislenitsi” - Targovishte
The global pandemic has caused total trauma to society. Distance Learning in an Electronic Environment (the substitute for real learning) aggravated the problems of students with learning difficulties on a language basis. In the last decade, this has necessitated speech therapy practice to constantly test new learning strategies / speech therapy in order to implement the transition from a state of passivity to a state activity. The emphasis has shifted to competence.
Thousands of children and students are relocating and are forced to adapt to a new language environment. This is a challenge for speech therapists too.
The article describ ...

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