Jul 19, 2012, 4:17 PM

Compassion (Get over yourself) 

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© Вяра Иванова All rights reserved.

Get over yourself - Вяра Иванова


I went walking out last night 
People partying hard wouldn't let me get no sleep 
Oh, I felt so hard done by 
At one point I thought I was losing it

So I wanted to clear my head 
Didn't wanna hold on to my anger instead 
Oh,as I was walking through the rain 
I thought of you and what you said:

"You feel like you deserve so much better! 
Like noone should ever make you hurt 
Cause you're pretty and clever 
And moreover, girl, you expect respect and admiration! 
There's still a lot you gotta learn 
Ambition only feeds frustration

Get over yourself when your world comes crashing 
Get over yourself stop following fashions 
Get over yourself and let compassion teach you 
What you can do for someone else

So we're back to what we know best: 
Sleep deprivation psycho tests 
Parties bursting out with people 
You don't even know, but you don't care as long as it's 
All the tops, the Business and the Arts 
Slumming on your kitchen floor, so rock'n'roll but talking small, playing ball 
Phrasing my opinion as their own

Making you feel so much better 
Like noone should ever make you hurt 
Cause you're poor…oh whatever! 
And moreover man, you demand I respect what you aspire to be 
Well lemme tell ya 
You should learn bout reciprocity




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  • страхотно парче. за мен музиката е изкуство и това е истинска музика. не робува на норми и клишета. като го слушам усещам играта и свободата на духа на твореца. текста те кара да се замислиш кое е важно и как биха могли да са по-добри някои неща. красив и нежен глас. удивително приятен ритъм. прелест!!!!
  • Харесва ми, напомня ми Кейт Мелуа, продължавам да слушам
  • танц
    чувствам се добре
    жажда за полет
    благодаря, вокал ми бе водач. думите не чувах. радваш!
  • Страхотна песен и страхотно изпълнение!Браво!
  • Имаш стил! Слушах всичките ти творби и съм очарована!
    Поздравявам те!
  • Поздравления отново!!!
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