Aug 20, 2017, 1:36 AM

I wait 

  Poetry » Authors song
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He left the valley into glory

along the road of no return.

But in my soul I keep on worry

and wait until my years burn.


No hope was promised. No desire

is strong enough to raise the dead.

And yet I hold my breath like fire

to never say the last farewell.  



For I can wait

and I will wait

I wait for you,

my love. I wait.



Now storms and wolves control the valley –

so full of life not long ago.

Then laughter vanished. All was perished

except the bitter taste of war.


This place I stay – alone and bare.

No beast shall dare to disturb

my endless watch, my silent prayer

for you, My darling, to return.  



For I can wait

and I will wait

I wait for you,

my love. I wait.



Let eons pass. Another people

may find my body petrified

and wonder what has happened here.

I would not bother to reply.



For I can wait

and I will wait

I wait for you, my love.

I wait.

© Яким Дянков All rights reserved.

Предназначена е за изпълнение от жена.

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  • Радвам се, че почти напълно точно си усетила идеята. Всъщност е част от епос от съвсем малко преди първото хилядолетие. Благодаря за споделеното усещане. Поздрави!
  • Харесах. Прилича на епос от началото на първото хилядолетие.
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