Mar 2, 2019, 12:50 PM

The dream 

1176 1 0

The work is not suitable for people under 18 years of age.

The world is sitting on a boiling pot
And every moment it is going to burst
Cause enemies are waiting for a shot
But noone wants to shoot at first.


Cause politics has some protective rules
And one should break them with precision
Breaking is a matter of shedule
Of a non-suspectable prevision.


Create a problem to a blind society
And pour them with some strong aggression
Social behaviour loses variety
When put under the media pressure.


And lot's of people screaming: "WAR!"
Proclaiming it as only way
Cause politics is just a whore
It works for those who pay.


So death is coming fast as train
For those who do not care
Cause everybody is insane
And needs the greatest share.

© Таня Гулериа All rights reserved.

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