265 results
I'm not your hero
I'm your beast.
Don't need me now .
Was peaceful rest !
I had my story ... ...
A lifeless creature, once human born –
the eons shaped me with no regret.
My human heart they turn to stone,
while memory is gone in gothic menuet.
I see my pale reflection in the mirror, ...
Give me the ropes made of hundred wings of a butterflies and doves,
blind me with a silk thunder
Bind them on my wrists, a living cage,
leave me where we first met, right next to the waterfall of Vexorious
under pale moon light ...
I never was a special person.
So I'll never want to be or will be
To myself
Or to anyone anywhere.
Don't worry. You will forget ...
  1402  10 
/ The wound /
Nobody's home
Room silent remains
A deep wound on the body bleeds
Which will eventually leads soon to an end ...
Cover my body with a sheets made of silk
Imagine me walking amongst the daffodils
Under a silver moon light
Lie there and watch
Hear the wolf's howling ...
Blood within a blood
Two souls dancing in a silent night
Sigil of a nature unknown
Search the truth beneath the white thorns.
Blood within a blood ...
Wake up and look back to the old attic days, full with memories but not talking about anything present.
Get out of bed. Drink coffee like my dark days. Going over and over again in this unreal world, calling themselves 'Warcraft', which looks as a little relief from the dull monotory of daily life.
Hypergraphia is lacerating carotid
Finally bloodletting into slumber
Hippocampus that
Incinerates its own
Neuron forest and becomes ...
The thought of you - a quiet bane
for my heaven, my unfeeling dusk.
The great ocean buries tears again -
bleeding shadow of a painful lust.
An ocean deeper then the eyes ...
So much color and
So little light
The trees are jewels
Veiled by the sky
I can feel all the sorrow
all the bitterness that hides in you
I can see the falling tears
But I won't walk away! I'll pretend to stay
Only to see them dead! ...
I stand in front of one-sided glass,
Staring in the darkness.
You are on the other side-
so far, so far from here.
Your picture is all I now see- ...
Put some stress on those legs;
not a dress that begs
my permission for takeoff.
in the east
there is sand, and fire, and oath;
in the west
there is another plague
of the mind and the soul; ...
Omniscience is empty
I don’t want to know everything
I don’t even want to know you
The evidence is not humane
No one needs proof of being ...
I don't follow any religion.
I am a freethinker.
I killed myself.
I went out this morning,
forgot all the mess and the noise in…
And I thought to myself
You have the sun in your pocket.
At this point you have it.(2)
every grain of sand
is secretly
a polyhedron
that despises science
like every grain of joy ...
The memories that I had ever,
now belong to someone else.
In the summer I'm cold. In the winter-tender:
an empty mask, instead of face.
There's no way to break my bones, ...
slowly going crazy
twisted and burnt
two different faces
one charcoal soul
sizzling and blazing ...
flying now erratic circles
I'm the moth who didn't flee
glutinous tongue of careless wind
caught me in a single lick
pulling inexorably into the opening ...
I am not like other men.
I’ve no wish to pretend
to be what women like..
I am on a love strike!
For love is lies and dust ...
Everyday I'm wondering how
to show you how much I care.
Everyday I search for a way
how to keep you safe.
Because you don't see ...
You make me lose my mind
With your sweet voice
For the others I'm blind
You were my choice
I wanna hold you tight ...
Thou lips bring poison and delight.
Thou eyes are brighter than the night.
I can stay to hold your hand.
Until we die, burn crimson, dear.
Thou catch is all I needed of; ...
It was an autumn: like many autumn days,
when I met you roaming through the woods.
It was cold and rainy autumn day,
but to run back at home...
I refused. ...
Don't promise me the Well,
don't promise me the stars.
I don't need of nothing more than
to be with you, while the world collapses.
I drown in your lies and complains,
no more want to see your face.
It's impossible to try to break me,
when already made a space.
The debris are now cliffs and stones, ...
'Hush, hush, sweetie!
Mama's there for you...'
Whispered the woman
to her beloved son.
'Sleep, sleep, sweetie! ...
Calm down little child;
take a breath and look at me:
nothing is impossible!
The first lesson is always difficult.
Step by step, you'll rearn to skate, ...
One month no fighting,
One month of silence,
My head goes louder,
I'm loosing guidance.
I remember,
when we were friends
A long time ago
in the past.
We laughed, we cried. ...
Like a reflection in the mirror,
which was forgotten and broken.
Like a song, without lyrics,
I'm gazing through the snow.
And the rimes upon me. ...
Today I left you, because I couldn't
Build everytime the life you ruined.
Today I left and sworn no come back;
It cost too much to keep my heart from running...
You never changed, even when ...
The perfect time for walking is when the night comes down,
when there's no sunlight, shining on your way;
the beautiful is when, though except a harm,
you just enjoying that alone now outside stay...
When I closed my eyes,
I could see you again
And asked:
'How are you?'
But your eyes just stared ...
How nice is a person to be lonely-
all alone against the evils of the world;
from the shackles of the burden to be free... alone to write his dreaming destiny!
How nice is a person to feel sorrow,
to losing something or just part of himself; but it's a part of his temporary life, ...
And all the wars
those eyes of yours
have started,
and all the gore
blown open in the hearts ...
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