645 results
This land i walk for endless times
is all i have and all i care.
It's soaked in blood and many cries,
with scattered bones and rotten hair.
This land i roam forevermore ...
She loved to write and create,
He loved only what"s on the plate.
She was always inspired by beauty
He kept torturing her with her duties.
She was intelligent and smart ...
Years, I ran my scanners
across the flat horizon
seeking a single error
a miraculous inconsistency
in the facade of the world. ...
I don’t want to just win you
I will not rest
I want to conquer you every day
Meet me in a bloodpool full of tears,
where drowning waters carrying my fears,
where stream just shapes my nightmares,
where darkness lurks and stares.
So i'm in the middle of it all. ...
Drab dreary desecration of deformed delusions dawns destructively down drawn devilishly deeper into desolate deformity devoid of dreams.
Deigned divine dominance dooms downtrodden domains of destitute debauchery driven daily downward.
Done deals define duplicitous dukes and demons drenched in damnat ...
Camera can't make you a pro,
It is seeing the picture that does.
If you start in this slowly to grow
A lot of time shooting shall pass.
If you count on a single machine, ...
Long ago was born a child,
It was gifted with such beauty,
That in the world so cruel and wild
To defend it was a duty.
Its name was Faith and it was naked, ...
Ти помниш ли
Онази слънчева усмивка,
В летен ден ...? ...
I'm tracing back my mind and following the sound
through ritmic colapses, tritones and vocal chords.
I'm floating in the vacuum and long to hit the ground
like meteor explosion, my strings awaits the mute abort.
The tremols screaming, the amplitude is burning high, ...
To get a university degree is hard enough
No doubt it could be often hellish-tough.
While most after the first would close the door
I am an idiot who took not one or two but… four.
To make matters worse to comprehend, ...
The dance
is my command
of language soft and smooth
that's used through every time and place
where love exists in our abandoned world. ...
Education (rumour has it) is a mess
and you have to handle lots of stress.
The more you go, the worse it gets
to top it all – it's organized in sets.
From dusk til dawn you need to study ...
To write is just a joke (or so I've heard)
You scribble for nothing all day.
For whom? To this day I have learned
that readers are hard to attain.
You may have the wit, the verse ...
I'm not your hero
I'm your beast.
Don't need me now .
Was peaceful rest !
I had my story ... ...
beautiful and welcoming.
Nice, clean, ...
Не се събуждай, сине, почини си,
обичам да те гледам, като спиш.
Навън е късна есен. И замислен
ветрецът влачи листи, мълчалив.
Така и ние вкъщи онемяхме. ...
A lifeless creature, once human born –
the eons shaped me with no regret.
My human heart they turn to stone,
while memory is gone in gothic menuet.
I see my pale reflection in the mirror, ...
Dreaming with the blackness of the dream
i feel you even when you're gone.
Meet me in my dreams and hear my scream,
in ripping fractures of my soul i'm drowned.
Sometimes i see you, distant child of light, ...
Give me the ropes made of hundred wings of a butterflies and doves,
blind me with a silk thunder
Bind them on my wrists, a living cage,
leave me where we first met, right next to the waterfall of Vexorious
under pale moon light ...
One day
You will want
to know me better
I just hope
that day comes ...
I never was a special person.
So I'll never want to be or will be
To myself
Or to anyone anywhere.
Don't worry. You will forget ...
  1245  10 
Lullaby and whisper are mingling through the sky
Carelessly are shifting the muffled poets’ cry.
How small are we! – exclaimed the little child
And pointed to the chimney. Everything’s mild.
An echo passing through the cave ...
I loved the watch on his masculine hand... But the most I liked for his watch was the moment when he takes it off, while staring at my naked body... Men always take off their watches when they do something important... and tonight he was gonna do me...
Meet me in my dreams.
I am standing there and waiting...
Will you be my summer breeze,
And the sea in which I am bathing?
Will you kiss me like the Sun, ...
With mended wings, but never broken,
He tames thy demons in the dark of night
And sings of thoughts long left unspoken…
A voice of angel … menace to the weak of heart.
And what was once so lost, forgotten ...
What if tomorrow will never be yesterday,
because yesterday is tomorrow's today,
and the future is nothing but ashes
but only the ashes is all that remain?
Exhibition of deviant sculptures in chains ...
You're welcome to my kingdom of the spring.
I am the sovereign in here, i am your king.
Glory, unity, that's what the oracle forsee,
and power for the ones who will believe.
So welcome and let your quest begins - ...
Here again i am alive, up north.
Where ancient warriors were born,
where water's clenched in icy fist,
where bloodred oath is echoing through mist. ...
Can you reach and touch the flame,
that lights my inner world?
Will you look at it again
in your pursuit for truth?
Will you feel the warmth, ...
Hatred is too difficult to swallow,
That's why we spit it out all the time.
For people with a mind, which is too hollow,
Hatred leads them to the path of crime.
Sometimes it is politically propagated, ...
The world is sitting on a boiling pot
And every moment it is going to burst
Cause enemies are waiting for a shot
But noone wants to shoot at first.
Cause politics has some protective rules ...
There's blood on the ground
Eyes half open
Trembling hands holding the dagger
Blinded mind
Did the sin ...
Hope lies deep under the water
buried useless for a thousand years,
where it's ashes no one gathers
and slowly, slowly dissapears.
"Few people laughed, few people cried ...
/ The wound /
Nobody's home
Room silent remains
A deep wound on the body bleeds
Which will eventually leads soon to an end ...
Cover my body with a sheets made of silk
Imagine me walking amongst the daffodils
Under a silver moon light
Lie there and watch
Hear the wolf's howling ...
Burned Life
I see a burned life with faded lights.
World without a sun, without a lighting
moon. Song with no words to say, with
no melody to play. Road without a way, ...
Beneath the mire where lays the golden absolution,
The Gate stands open from beggining to the end of time.
I hear the baying of the hounds, their retribution
is on it's way to conquer every living man.
I see the hunger in their eyes, so cold and empty ...
Embrace the anger and let the rage flows on,
depravity now turns to cruel allegiance.
Thought distant shadows you can see it forms
the nightmares of the lost obediance.
The empty shades now turns to silent hell ...
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