Name НадеждаВяраЛюбо
""ohh,my good name!my good name! I lost my good name!I lost the only one thing which was immortal in me"" greenery,verdure..here a wall in the green space, some flowers on the strippted rocks, a path in the nowhere and some odds and ends -is that everything?Where is the the spring,where are my black roses?Next to me,infront of me ,somewhere in the suburbs of our big town but why i..m loosing the view of them ,why i..m not feeling the smell of them?Where are the bees,the butterflies ,where is the life? Every look to them brings joy,every touch-freshness but why i..m not smeelling nice except of that i..m stinky... The black rose in the field of white ones or just one more stinky but beautiful flower?
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I am only a man in the white sheet
Аз съм едиснтвено човек на фона на човещина. Забележителност човешка в незабележителна тълпа. Там някъде, в купа боклуци и развалящи се, седя аз и се опитвам да дишам.
Живот, затъмнен от желанията и невъзможностите ми, от задълженията и нежеланията ми. Тичам постоя ...
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