Mar 16, 2008, 11:58 AM

"Дует Ритон - Изповед" 

  Translations » Song, from English
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Дует Ритон - Изповед Lyrics

Помниш ли още кратките нощи, миналите дни,
как на този свят бяхме сами.
Как един до друг вървяхме с теб, без дъх почти,
момичето бях аз, момчето беше ти.
Помниш ли горещите думи казвани без глас,
момчето беше ти, момичето бях аз.
Как ни раздели съдбата и до днес не знам,
тежко е нали, щом останем сами.

Всеки ден след мечтите пътувам,
всеки ден мислено аз те целувам.
Може би само в нощите къси,
може би ще те срещам в съня си.

Някой ден навярно ще дойдеш, ще се върнеш тук,
чакам само теб, теб и никой друг.
Някой ден дори, не зная утре или днес,
спри до моя праг, без да чукаш влез.
Как ни раздели съдбата и до днес не знам,
тежко е нали, щом останем сами.

Riton duo - "Confession"


Do you still remember the nights, so short; the days, gone away

how on this world, we were alone.

How walking next to each other, we were almost breathless

the girl, that was you; the boy, that was me.


Do you still remember the words, so warm, said with no voice at all

The boy, that was you, the girl, that was me.

How did the destiny separate us, I still don't know

It is hard, isn't it? - when we remain on our own!


Every single day, I'm traveling right after my dreams

Every single day, I give you a kiss, on my mind

May be, only at the nights, so short

May be, I'll meet you in my dream.


Probably some day, you'll come, you'll get back here

I'm waiting for you, for you and for nobody else

Even some day, I don't know if today or tomorrow

Stop at my door, come in with no knocking

How did the destiny separate us, I still don't know

It is hard, isn't it? - when we remain on our own!

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