Feb 2, 2007, 9:15 PM

Eamon - How Could You Bring Him Home 

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Eamon - How Could You Bring Him Home



I got the first flight out

When I finished up the tour

Because I missed you.

I even flew home a day too soon

All because I couldn’t wait to kiss you

Oh how she will be loved

Was the one thing stuck in my mind

And how tonight would be

Remembered for the reset of your life



I never thought that I’d do something like that

When I saw you two it him me like a heart attack

Oh, no!

How could you bring him home?

I never thought I’d lose my temper like that

Now it’s some fucked up situation

He ain’t coming back!

Oh, no!

How could you please another man on our floor?

How could you bring him home?



I know you know I missed on every girl

Because I thought really loved you,

And you know that I’d never put anyone

Or anything above you because I loved you

And there was that love that me loose my head

And now it’s too late!

One day too soon you’ll regret it for the rest  of your days!

Chorus: #





Please God forgive for what I did

This day will stay for as long as I live

‘Cause if you walked in and seen what I seen

I know any man would have done just the same

Please God forgive (No!)

For what I did (No!)

This day will stay for as long as I live

‘Cause if you walked in (No!)

In and seen what I seen (No!)

I know any man would have done just the same because…


Chorus: #




Еамон-Как можа


Първи куплет:

Взех първия самолет след края на турнето,

Защото ти ужасно ми липсваше...

Прибрах се у дома един ден по-рано,

Защото нямах търпение да те целуна.

Мислех си”Ще се любим до припадък!”

Мислех си”Ще помним тази нощ завинаги!”



Никога не съм мислел,че ще ми се случи нещо подобно...

Щом ви видях двамата,едва не получих инфаркт!

Как можа да пуснеш друг мъж дома ни?

Как можа?

Никога не съм мислел,че така ще се вбеся...

Ама че гадна ситуация!

Едно обаче е сигурно-той няма да дойде втори път!

Как можа да се отдадеш на друг мъж в  нашия дом?!

Как можа?!

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