Jan 25, 2007, 3:51 PM

Hurt (Кристина Агилера) 

2554 0 5
3 min reading
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face Сякаш вчера бе, когато зърнах теб,
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away Каза, че си горд, но аз извърнах се
If only I knew what I know today Да знаех това, което зная днес!
Ooh, ooh О! О!
I would hold you in my arms А щях да те прегърна,
I would take the pain away да захвърля болката,
Thank you for all you've done да ти благодаря
Forgive all your mistakes И да ти простя
There`s nothing I wouldn`t do И всичко бих сторила
To hear your voice again да чуя твоя глас,
Sometimes I wanna call you бих ти звъннала,
But I know you won`t be there Но няма да си там! ...

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