May 28, 2018, 11:49 AM

Песен за Палестина - Роджер Уотърс 

  Translations » Song, from English
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2 min reading
Ние ще победим
Един ден.
Дълбоко в сърцето си вярвам,
че един ден ще победим.
Да тръгнем ръка за ръка.
Един ден ще тръгнем ръка за ръка.
Дълбоко в сърцето си вярвам,
че един ден ще вървим ръка за ръка.
Ще разрушим затворските стени.
Ще срутим затворските стени.
Заедно ще срутим затворските стени, този ден.
Дълбоко в сърцето си вярвам, ...

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We Shall Overcome (Song for Gaza) - Roger Waters of Pink Floyd

Album/ Info: The Wall 1982 / OST Egypt Freedom March to Gaza 2009/2010


We shall overcome

We shall overcome

We shall overcome some day

Deep in my heart I do believe

That we shall overcome Someday

And we'll walk hand in hand we'll walk

hand in hand we'll walk

hand in hand one day

Deep in my heart I do believe

That we will walk hand in hand One day

And we'll break down the prison walls

We will tear down those prison walls

Together we will tear down the prison walls on that day

Deep in my heart I do believe

That we will tear down all those prison walls on that day

Deep in my heart I do believe

That we will tear down those prison walls on that day

And the truth will set us free

The truth will set us free

The truth will set us all free

On that day And, deep in my heart I do believe

That the truth will set us all free

And we shall overcome On that day

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