Please don't think of me If you do you gotta block it I got chills tonight And you can't be here to stop it I'm not a parasite It's just a lonely night Tonight
I walked from the bar 'Cause they were only laughing I wished on our star But they covered it in satin I'm not a gigolo That's what I want you to know Tonight
Ooh ooh I've hurt you I can see Ooh ooh Do you think it's not hurting me
Ooh ooh The grass ain't always green And if it's hurting you You know that's its hurting me You know that's its hurting me
You'll meet other men Who will break your heart If I see you with them It's gonna tear me apart
Maybe in another life We wouldn't be alone Tonight
Ooh ooh I've hurt you I can see Ooh ooh Do you think its not hurting me
Ooh ooh The grass ain't always green And if it's hurting you You know that it's hurting me You know that it's hurting me You know that it's hurting me You know that it's hurting me
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