8 результатов
Tose Proeski - Don't Hurt The Ones You Love
Another time another place
with diferent voices
another you another me
made different choices ...
Morandi - I Belong To You
I see you leaving, please don't close that door!
Why don't you love me anymore?
I love you more than you could ever know
Forgive me baby, don't let go! ...
Jinks Feat. Beautiful - One night
Baby Baby its official
Baby Baby its official,
im feeling the vibe and ...
Oh, thinking about all our younger years---> Оо, мислейки за времето когато бяхме по-млади.
There was only you and me, ---> Бяхме само ти и аз.
We were young and wild and free.---> Бяхме млади, и луди, и свободни.
Now nothing can take you away from me.---> Сега, нищо не може да ни раздели.
We've bee ...
Rihanna Rehab
Baby baby
When we first met I never felt something so strong
You were like my lover and my best friend ...
Morandi - Angels Моранди - Ангели
People stop fighting Хора, спрете да се карате.
Angels are crying Ангелите плачат.
We can be better Можем да сме по-добре.
Love is the answer Любов е отговорът. ...
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Now I still wonder why did you say goodbye---Сега, все още се чудя защо ме напусна.
You let me stand here all alone ---Остави ме тук, сам.
The pain inside my heart, it's tearing me apart---Болката в сърцето ми ме разкъсва,
Cause now I stand here on my own---защото сега стоя тук, сам. ...
[Verse 1]
I know you're hurting right now
Don't worry
I'll be your superman(no, no) ...
: ??:??