7 июл. 2019 г., 23:58  


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Dreaming with the blackness of the dream
i feel you even when you're gone.
Meet me in my dreams and hear my scream,
in ripping fractures of my soul i'm drowned.


Sometimes i see you, distant child of light,
and i remembers darkness deep inside of me.
I see your glow that waves to me at night
and memories are drives me to insanity.

You shine so bright, as innocence you form,
deliver me away through pleasures and the pain.
In darkest pool of fears i was born,
in mourning wait to meet you up again.

© Joakim from the grave Все права защищены

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  • А всъщност въобще не става дума за утрото.
  • Но защо не е даден и превод? Разбирам, че е писано за утрото, но, след като не знам езика, как ще му се насладя? А това, със сигурност, се отнася и за другите е сайта, не само за мен.
: ??:??