30 окт. 2015 г., 23:27

Still Unread... 

  Поэзия » Философская
1255 0 0

Life is a mystery

that we create:

love, frienship... hate

for another story.


Still Unread,

still so young and beautiful...

Yet, so wrong ang terrible

that I read...


Behind the lines that meant so much

I see love and longing...

But expectations are just such...

made-believe happening!


I can always use my imagination

to create my life with you,

but the truth is that his confession

isn't about you!


I haven't met you yet!

I haven't loved you in a way

that my heart would melt...

I have to go my own way.


Away from yesterday,

Away from you,

yet by your side...

So, stay besides...


Dedicated to Seike

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