Nothing of the kind, Тошко Why would any one in their right mind be willing to be associated with a great poet of the past? Who would dare to be compared? You are speaking of madness!
I am not a poet. I merely write my thoughts and feelings down in texts and song lyrics.
My pen name comes from something much, much different. I do not know what you expected but expectations serve only to ruin a good experience. Perhaps some of my other texts would be more to your liking. May our judgement not be paper-thin, since most value in beauty nowadays is only skin-deep, as is the case with most contemporaries. Cheers!
Много просто, Йоана, това не е просто нощта, каквато я познаваме, а друга, с главно Н. Ева, мисля, че е става въпрос за нещо повече от ангел. Благодаря ви за отношението!
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Why would any one in their right mind be willing to be associated with a great poet of the past? Who would dare to be compared? You are speaking of madness!
I am not a poet. I merely write my thoughts and feelings down in texts and song lyrics.
My pen name comes from something much, much different. I do not know what you expected but expectations serve only to ruin a good experience. Perhaps some of my other texts would be more to your liking. May our judgement not be paper-thin, since most value in beauty nowadays is only skin-deep, as is the case with most contemporaries. Cheers!