13 окт. 2013 г., 20:49


  Поэзия » Другая
1488 0 3

I am imprisoned in the stupid town.

Obsessed of rage I start to suck my fingers.

Malicious cars and pavements pull me down

With frowned expressions - straight to the abyss.

And there’s a chaos, clatter, bloody roar.

I lose my breath inside the leaded mist.

Intoxicated – dream to buy some joy

Because the Lev is not enough for kingdom.

Another groan is struggling thru my throat

Another cigarette I lit – another calk

Well, I have nailed it – not into my coffin –

But in the snout of traffic light that’s glowing

For it won’t stop its count of no return

With “one – two – three” all years blown like candles.

Tobacco time – it doesn’t really burn.

It only smolder - slowly as a church bell.  

My ruined temple’s  echo still remains

I've lost my place in Nature – what a burden!

Presumably that’s why I feel ashamed

But I just cannot slash the knot of Urban.

© Яким Дянков Все права защищены

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