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5 результатов
Sweet Sacrifice
It's true, we're all a little insane.
But it's so clear,now that I'm unchained.
Fear is only in our minds,taking over all the time.
Fear is only in our minds,but it's taking over all the time. ...
The other side
Make me whole again!Open your eyes!
Taunted by the shadows of your lies .
Cold and far away. Like you're not even mine.
Undo everything and take me high ...
What you want
Do what you, what you want.If you have a dream for better
Do what you, what you want
'til you don’t want it anymore (remember who you really are)
Do what you, what you want ...
Together Again
Never thought that I'd be leaving you today
So alone and wondering why I feel this way
So wide the world
Can love remember how to get me home to you ...
Оказа се, че просто съм сънувала. Но за първи път сънувах... Звуци.
В началото бяха съвсем тихи и неразбираеми. Първото, което успях да уловя бе приспивната песничка, която мама ми е пяла, като съм била малка. Но едва я чувах, като шепот. Ако не я бях слушала толкова много пъти, едва ли щях да я раз ...
: ??:??