56 results
I can feel all the sorrow
all the bitterness that hides in you
I can see the falling tears
But I won't walk away! I'll pretend to stay
Only to see them dead! ...
I stand in front of one-sided glass,
Staring in the darkness.
You are on the other side-
so far, so far from here.
Your picture is all I now see- ...
When you found me I was sad and rotten,
mad at everyone..
But then I felt no more broken,
when heard you speak to me. ...
The memories that I had ever,
now belong to someone else.
In the summer I'm cold. In the winter-tender:
an empty mask, instead of face.
There's no way to break my bones, ...
Everyday I'm wondering how
to show you how much I care.
Everyday I search for a way
how to keep you safe.
Because you don't see ...
Thou lips bring poison and delight.
Thou eyes are brighter than the night.
I can stay to hold your hand.
Until we die, burn crimson, dear.
Thou catch is all I needed of; ...
It was an autumn: like many autumn days,
when I met you roaming through the woods.
It was cold and rainy autumn day,
but to run back at home...
I refused. ...
Don't promise me the Well,
don't promise me the stars.
I don't need of nothing more than
to be with you, while the world collapses.
I drown in your lies and complains,
no more want to see your face.
It's impossible to try to break me,
when already made a space.
The debris are now cliffs and stones, ...
'Hush, hush, sweetie!
Mama's there for you...'
Whispered the woman
to her beloved son.
'Sleep, sleep, sweetie! ...
Calm down little child;
take a breath and look at me:
nothing is impossible!
The first lesson is always difficult.
Step by step, you'll rearn to skate, ...
I remember,
when we were friends
A long time ago
in the past.
We laughed, we cried. ...
Like a reflection in the mirror,
which was forgotten and broken.
Like a song, without lyrics,
I'm gazing through the snow.
And the rimes upon me. ...
Today I left you, because I couldn't
Build everytime the life you ruined.
Today I left and sworn no come back;
It cost too much to keep my heart from running...
You never changed, even when ...
If you were the man I loved,
Should it meant a thing;
Would you be the one to know me
and appear in my dreams?
Would you be the man I love, ...
The perfect time for walking is when the night comes down,
when there's no sunlight, shining on your way;
the beautiful is when, though except a harm,
you just enjoying that alone now outside stay...
When I closed my eyes,
I could see you again
And asked:
'How are you?'
But your eyes just stared ...
How nice is a person to be lonely-
all alone against the evils of the world;
from the shackles of the burden to be free... alone to write his dreaming destiny!
How nice is a person to feel sorrow,
to losing something or just part of himself; but it's a part of his temporary life, ...
On your grave I will put a flower –
bloody red with weeping lists:
it will reflect the unstoppable pain in me, how it hurted when you left the world.
And how quickly the time just passes,
and with every day I feel more sadness; ...
Навред по моята чертоза
изникваха все тръни и бодли.
И със страшна сила ме пробождаха –
тъмнина премрежи двете ми очи.
Край езерото: кърваво и мътно, ...
Бих те върнала отново към живота,
ако имах шанс точно в този час;
и душата си – наместо твоята,
бих била винаги готова да пожертвам аз,
защото животът ти бе по-ценен и от моя: ...
На гроба ти аз цвете ще положа –
кървавочервено, с плачещи листа:
то ще отразява неспирната ми болка –
колко заболя, когато напусна ти света.
И колко бързо времето минава, ...
Мечтаех някога да мога да летя;
да не бъда прикована към земята...
но някой сряза моите крила
и ме заточи, да стоя в забрава.
От всичко най желаех свободата – ...
Когато аз те срещнах за последно,
ти гледаше ме с гняв и студенина-
бях толкова от теб отдалечена,
че границата беше твърда линия.
През всичките години скитах-сянка: ...
Все още криволича без посока:
сам-сама със своите сълзи.
Те бяха прави: аз съм неспособна
да изпълня техните мечти.
Искаха да бъда просто шепот- ...
To watch you fade
was the worst,
that I've been ever forced.
When gone away
it broke my soul, ...
And now I sitting on the rock,
while watch the cyan sea;
and asking where my hope had lost,
where lost the chance to live.
The fire cackling evil at my scars- ...
Days flashed, but the time seem frozen
Of everything in this world so cold.
Now, when I've lost you. When everything turn blue and the hope was rolled out,
To be okay I can't, because your sorrow don't deserve.
Darkness, light-whichever brighting, ...
Can she forgive to you
For everyhing you've done;
for the life, who she was forced
to build again?
Can she look again at you, without feel a rage; ...
He, as always, was a dreamer-
wished to reach the stars;
he only yearned to be a winner
with soul and fearless heart...
I've known him-while the others ...
Hello, grandpa,
can you hear me now?
I need of advice:
a simple word;
a sign, ...
Do you know what is like to be
just a dust on the lonely shelf,
with all these pictures left on it;
with vanished colours... thrown away?
Do you know all of the ways I feel, ...
Hear! The pain whispering your name
and the walls draw your silhouette.
I stand in the wet, lonely room,
where you were before...
I cry: it's so much painfully ...
The scars are open
and with a claw of broken,
the Death whispering my name.
She comes, she holds me
and with fists hits me. ...
Все някога аз просто ще си тръгна,
изгубила утеха сред някой криволичещ път;
когато няма кой да ме прегърне
на прелома между два отделни свята.
Аз, може би, не ще живея дълго, ...
I don't know why had written
a poems with: 'you're all',
when I'm just a thorn in your side and
just a servant in your home...
Did I ever got your attention? ...
Тя отиде си, а той-корав и безсърдечен,
сега проливаше сълзи от печал.
Уви, никой не е вечен-
отдавна бе го осъзнал.
Немощно държеше безжизненото тяло, ...
За теб пребродих сто
сред Космоса издирвах
твоя лик.
На любов в жарава бяхме все пленени, ...
Как мога да опиша красотата,
когато тук царува сивота?
Как мога да се радвам, когато самотата
обзема, покварява чистата душа?
Как може певец за прелест да пее; ...
Тягостна есен.
Дъжд ръми и ръми.
Броди унесен
сред червените вишни.
Сняг бял под краката му. ...
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