Mar 29, 2016, 7:55 AM

You were 

  Poetry » Other
805 0 1

You were a song across the death
You were a true across the lies
You were: my soul, my eyes, my breath
You were the boy, who taught me how to rise...

You were a ghost, a dream, a wish
with ocean eyes and silky hair.
When I saw you, got a blush
and my mind fly in air.

But you were just a reflection
in the mirror of my room.
You were my imagination
and all is that to you.

I'll never see someone like you
I'll never fall in love.
Because I want to leave this world-
to leave it once for all.

© F. G. R. All rights reserved.

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  • Браво, за това, че се справяш с поезия на английски! Предполагам, че осъзнаваш, че лирическия герой е едно, а авторът друго! Желая ти здраве и много успехи!
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