Get out of my life I beg you to go now For I can no longer stand your face You're cold as ice and so frustrated Now I get on my feet again There's nothing more to say
You're out of your mind You're losing control now I've never mistreated you before You slammed the door, while I was waiting Remember how it was before "Les nuits, l'amour, Paris"
Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone
Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone
You blow hot and cold I'll put it aside now Consider the better part of me Before you go, I will be waiting Remember how it was before "Les nuits, l'amour, Paris"
Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone
Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone Dance, dance, dance dance 'Till the night has gone
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