First they came...
First they came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Social Democrats,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Social Democrat.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up,
because I wasn't a Jew,
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
Първо дойдоха...
Първо дойдоха за комунистите
и аз не казах нищо,
защото не бях комунист.
После дойдоха за социалдемократите
и аз не казах нищо,
защото не бях социалдемократ.
После дойдоха за членовете на профсъюзите
и аз не казах нищо,
защото не бях член на профсъюза.
После дойдоха за евреите
и аз не казах нищо,
защото не бях евреин.
После дойдоха за мен
и до тогава не беше останал никой,
който да каже нещо за мен.
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