6 el resultado
Black coffee
They say you read the future
From the bottom of a cup
A snake a rose you shatter hopes
And leave it all to luck ...
He said “Baby think of me…”
And I went to sleep alone in my bed instead of sharing it with him
And it’s a strange relationship we got more like a ship
Than a relation
A ship that’s wrecked by all the battles in our heads ...
Get over yourself - Вяра Иванова
I went walking out last night
People partying hard wouldn't let me get no sleep
Oh, I felt so hard done by
At one point I thought I was losing it ...
Текст: Torquil Barker
Музика: Вяра Иванова
Dancing bear
If I could have a dancing bear to tell my troubles to
With a CU Jimmy hat and a sporran with Irn Brew ...
Автор на песента съм аз. Музикантите са:
Вяра Иванова-вокал, бас
Родриго Бермехо-барабани
Шосе Фигероа-китара
Сержо Празереш-китара, флейта, пандейро ...
  4843  11 
Simple things
Simple things done thoughtfully
Spreading words of love
My whole world lights up when you hold my hand and smile
And smiling back is all I can do ...
: ??:??