by theme of Richard Wagner, opera drama "Tristan and Isolde"
idea 039
record 20211216-2031
Theme of 22th Nov 2021
photo in video: 29th Nov 2020
A tree in autumn, against the background of the ruins in front of the Stara Zagora Opera House In my adolescence these were: my favorite musical theme, author, town, place, way of thinking and living. Richard Wagner writes that he leaves Tristan by a tree. He stops working on this drama in this episode. And he starts working on other projects. After years, Wagner returns again to Tristan, who is waiting for him by the tree. And Wagner continues the drama of Tristan's love. Somewhere inside us, Tristan is waiting for us by a tree. To continue one true love.
I only tried to touch lightly on Tristan's theme, interpreting it in my own way, as my theme. Because this theme Tristan still lives in me, and waiting... :)
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