13 abr 2023, 18:40

Can I come home now? 

  Poesía » De amor, Verso libre
566 0 0

I pray every night for you to love me
so I can be happy again.
I’m in love with you but you don’t want me.
I’m as blue as my dreams…
I see myself dancing with you, laughing with you, crying with you but most importantly I see myself loving you, lying down next to you.
I haven’t seen more beautiful eyes, eyes I could spend my whole day gazing into.
Love me now…I’m quite desperate without you.
I wouldn’t be able to move on with my life without you.
I want to be your lover, your happiness, I want to hold you in my arms so tightly so you could stay in them forever and feel the love I have for you.
Please don’t hurt me…I’m quite fragile.
Hold me close, hold me closer,
I would never be enough without you.
You are broken, but so am I,
so let me hold you like a woman, let me be your inner peace.
Don’t leave me now…I’m quite lost.
I’ve been wandering for too long. Be my home now. Shelter me. Keep me safe now.
I need you… I need a home now. Let me be myself, don’t leave me.
Can I come home now?

© Iliyana Nikolova Todos los derechos reservados

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