22 ago 2017, 11:51


  Poesía » De amor
2030 0 1


Im going crazy when you get closе.
You shoot like a poison dart.
Don't gamble on me, give me your dose.
I can't control myself and my heart.
I don't obey my brain anymore.
My body surrenders to yours.
I'm getting addicted. You are my cocaine.
I become dangerous, I'm going insane.


When you are near, you hypnotize me.
My eyes are stripping you off.
You set me on fire. I cant even breathe.
Don't torture me, give me your love.
I am going mad, so just let it be.
Fiery lava flows in my veins.
My body burns in Infinite flames.
Don't you know? It's a dangerous game.


Because when you burn in a wild desire,
then your heart doesn't care at all,
who else will burn in the flames of your fire.
Who do you sacrifice, who would you blow.
You shot me as a bullet with a shifted center.
from my eyes, through my heart, in my brain.
As a vengeance in my life you entered.
You nailed me with your deadlock chain.
               june 2017            V.Todorova

© Valya Тodorova Todos los derechos reservados

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  • Да, силен стих, Валя! Хубави съпоставки има в него. И куршума с изместен център и тежест на действие, и отровната стрела, и всичко. Поздрави!
: ??:??