19 abr 2014, 23:09

The Dog and Its Dead Owner 

  Poesía » Filosófica
911 0 2


The dog was happy in the yard 
Enjoyed to play around 
It was a conscientious guard 
Of this small village ground 
Its owner was a generous guy 
Gave regularly food 
Its chain was on an old tree tied 
And life was always good. 
But fate struck down with evil fist 
Its owner fell down dead 
And destiny became a mist 
For truthful house pet. 
And in the can there was no food 
And chain was awful strong 
It tried to break it as it could 
But things went awful wrong. 

Perhaps it is a nature’s law 
For these ones who will search 
That it is safer not to know 
Where is the freedoms verge 


© Таня Гулериа Todos los derechos reservados

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