23 nov 2024, 13:46

The Peasant and the King 

  Poesía » Otra
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Once a peasant brought to the king
A tray with sweetest peaches:
He didn't have another thing
To please the monarch's wishes.

The peasant bowed and told he made
The most expensive gift, he holds,
The king was pleased and he said
To give the peasant coins of gold.

Another time the peasant had intention
To bring some pumpkins to the king,
His wife, however, only mentioned,
That figs are not so heavy thing.

The king was this time not in mood
He aimed with figs the peasant's head:
The peasant said with gratitude:
"I brought no pumpkins now instead!

Thanks God, you saved my humble life,
Cause while the lord's in state of anger
My poor head would have not survived,
My person would have been in danger."

The king just bursted into laughter
And gave the peasant gold again.
They were good friends for ever after
The peasant had the greatest gain.

So if you are in a distress,
Do not complain and curse,
Your feelings you should just supress,
It could be even worse.

© Таня Гулериа Todos los derechos reservados

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