7 mar 2015, 12:07  

This is me 

  Poesía » Filosófica
1326 0 0

Thoughts. Overheated moments.

Words too plain, words too honest...

How can I ever be the same?

You stole my heart... and I can breathe again!


I used to think... that life can be deceiving.

I was wrong... Only words can be deceiving.


Words are too deep to understand.

I will keep them among the said.

The truth is... there is nothing that I repent...

Those overheated moments... I could not prevent...


In the heat of the moment...

In the lonely nights... forsaken

I used to feel that there is nothing

I used to think that my words mean everything to you


Now I think that we're the same.

Now I want to be forgiven...

If there's anything I've ever said...

Don't tell, just leave it lying there...abandoned. 


But I see...


So many things I ignored with time,

so many lines crossing the same line...

Now you see you had to leave me,

it is okay... this is me... And I'm not bleeding!

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