14 mar 2009, 17:56

Metallica - "All Nightmare Long" 

  Тraducciones » Canción, De inglés
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Luck. Runs. Out.

Crawl from the wreckage one more time
Horrific memory twists the mind
Dark, rugged, cold and hard to turn
Path of destruction, feel it burn

Still life, incarnation
Still life, infamy
Still you run, what's to come?
What's to be?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

One, two

Luck. Runs. Out.

The light that is not light is here
To flush you out with your own fear
You hide, you hide, but will be found
Release your grip without a sound

Still life, immolation
Still life, infamy
Still you run, what's to come?
What's to be?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

One, two, three, four Then you crawl back in
Into your obsession
Never to return
This is your confession

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl back in
But your luck runs out
Your luck runs out
All Nightmare Long

One, two

Luck. Runs. Out.

Crawl from the wreckage one more time
Horrific memory twists the mind
Dark, rugged, cold and hard to turn
Path of destruction, feel it burn

Still life, incarnation
Still life, infamy
Still you run, what's to come?
What's to be?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

One, two

Luck. Runs. Out.

The light that is not light is here
To flush you out with your own fear
You hide, you hide, but will be found
Release your grip without a sound

Still life, immolation
Still life, infamy
Still you run, what's to come?
What's to be?

'Cause we hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl back in
But your luck runs out

One, two, three, four

Then you crawl back in
Into your obsession
Never to return
This is your confession

Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long
Feel us breathe upon your face
Feel us shift, every move we trace
Hunt you down without mercy
Hunt you down all nightmare long, yeah
Luck runs out
You crawl back in
But your luck runs out
Your luck runs out






за теб.


Изпълзи от руината си и тоя сетен път,

ужасно минало ще събуди съзнанието ти,

мрак, тегло, мъка и студ - прииждат пак,

животът е страдание, почувствай го как се завихря!


Принуден да бъдеш,

отново роден,

оставен без избор - винаги ще живееш,

колко позорно.


Сред празни фантазии.

Пръснат в заблуди.

Стискай живота.

Какво ли ще дойде, как ли ще бъде?


Ха, то е щото те дебнем без никаква милост,

дебнем те през безкрайната жива нощ.

Почувствай дъха ни в своето лице,

усети как докопваме всеки твой опит за бягство.


Всеки път те поваляме без никаква милост,

държим те през цялата шибана нощ, о, да,



за тебе няма.

Довлачи се отново в света... напълно сам

и без никакъв шанс.



за тебе



Светлината, която при нас никак не свети за теб,

те изтръгва от дупката заедно с всичките ти страхове,

крий се, укрий се, пак ще бъдеш намерен,

дори ако опиташ незабелязан да се родиш.


Оставаш жив,

принесен в жертва

на съществуването,

вечно обземан от безсмислие.


Ала кухи отражения

и безкрайни заблуди

те поддържат жив.

Какво ли ще дойде, как ли ще бъде?


Истината е, че те преследваме без никаква милост,

преследваме те през целия кошмарен живот.

То е, което те прави жив.


Нямай надежда,

ела при нас, които идем,

щом твоето спасение никъде го няма.

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