За него, живота, направилa бих всичко.
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16 резултата
How can i decide whats right?
When your clouding up my mind,
I cant win your losing fight,
All the time. ...
  14599  17 
You found me
I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
All alone,smoking his last cigarette
I said,''Where you been?'' He said,''Ask anythink'' ...
All the time I thought about you
I saw your eyes and they were so blue
I could read there just one name
My name, my name, my name
Because of you I`m flying higher ...
I hid the keys to unlock love's heart
To hold you in my sweetest pain and suffering
Everything's unfair in our lust and war
Redemption beyond right and wrong
In our hearts love keeps sweet-talking to despair ...
: ??:??