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31 резултата
Empty World Празен свят
I was there - feeling fine Аз бях там - чувствайки се добре,
When somethin started changing in me когато нещо започна да се променя в мен.
I felt so pure – like the rain Почувствах се толкова чист, като дъжда.
Never mind the preassure on me Без значение от натиска върху мен. ...
In the night a new day dawning
And the first birds start to sing
In the pale light of the morning
Nothing's worth remembering
It's a dream , it's out of reach ...
I Wish You Were Here
Memories are coming in my way
And I freeze
I can not forget
I'm touching your face ...
I look at you, my heart starts to pound
Up with the tempo, higher with the sound..
I hear your voice.. it makes me wanna sing
I take my clothes off, naked in the wind ...
Your eyes are breaking walls Очите ти рушат стени.
Towards my direction Минават през мен.
I feel the wind blows Усещам вятъра.
I'm standing here it's cold Стоя тук, студено е.
I want you to hold Искам да те прегърнa. ...
: ??:??