Никога не приемай, че живота е нечестен. Това го прави още по-нечестен.
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7 резултата
No Friend Of Mine
No one's born with hatred, it's something that you learn
How do you think the good Lord feels,
about the crosses you burn
What makes you hate the difference ...
Fight For Freedom
There's a sound heard across the land
It's heard across the sea
You'll only hear it if you listen with your hearts
And one day hope to be free ...
Faith of the Heart
It's been a long road
Getting from there to here
It's been a long time
But my time is finally near ...
In Flames You Burn
Oh God forbid this bloody war
I see my knights falling one by one
So here I am, in this fight I'm alone
I'm stuck here in this hellhole on my own ...
Unbreakable Chain If you think that you're strong on your own. You best think again. I've been there, I've been everywhere So listen my friend Hear me out let me try to explain I see what you think But a chain is never stronger than, its weakest link Don't be afraid, altogether we can make a change ...
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