79 el resultado
I rest my hands
Across your lips
Feel your breathe
Apart my finger-tips
No longer can I ...
[ ]
I got so much love
for you darlin' and i,
I wanna let you know how i feel
And its true that i love you ...
First Floor
Room Sixteen
Smells like danger(Let's go)
Even better(Let's go)
Set your goals ...
I can't go any further then this
I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, i'm really missin' missin' you
And all those things we use to use to use to do ...
When she was a young girl – Когато тя беше малка,
She used to play with me – си играеше с мен.
I was her best friend – Аз бях най-добрата й приятелка,
We were inseparately – бяхме неразделими.
We loved to ride our bikes – Обичахме да караме колелата си, ...
Style of your hair,
shape of your eyes and your nose,
the way you stare
As if you see, right through to my soul,
It's your left hand and the way ...
You're on the phone with your girlfriend, She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesnt get your humour like I do
I'm in the room, its a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesnt like ...
Lately Ive been hard to reach
Ive been too long on my own
Everybody has a private world
Where they can be alone
Are you calling me? ...
  29136  17 
You gotta help me out
It’s all a blur last night
We need a taxi ‘cause you’re hung-over and I’m broke
I lost my fake ID, but you lost the motel key
Spare me your freakin’ , dirty looks ...
(Кери Хилсън)
О, не отново,
не би трябвало това да се случва на мен.
(Кание Уест)
Продължавай да купонясваш и да блъскаш, ...
Познай кой е… Липсвах ли Ви?... Джесика Симпсън пее припева.
Джесика Симпсън-\Eминем\
Когато пресече прага,
ми стана ясно (стана ми ясно) ...
(Ти си моята съдба) Изтръпвам,
когато ме докосваш.
Ще те разгорещя,
получаваш това, което искаш,
ще те накарам да кажеш: (Ти си моята съдба) ...
Always on my mind – Винаги в мислите ми.
Always in my heart – Завинаги в сърцето ми.
Ive been waiting for you night after night – Чаках те, нощ след нощ,
Like a shadow staying close to the light – като сянка стояща близо до светлината.
Suddenly you stand beside me – Внезапно ти застана до мен ...
Lord have mercy on my soul
For I have walked the sinful road
That I'm down on my knees
Lord have mercy on me, please
Ohh yeah ...
Мога да говоря с теб дни наред,
караш ме да се смея по различни начини,
осъзнах (ти ме допълваш),
както топлата вода (в чашата ми чай).
Привлечена съм от твоята усмивка, ...
I`m nice right now – Добре съм, точно тук, сега,
I, I feel good – чувствам се приятно.
If you have a drink – Ако имаш питие,
would you please put it in the air – бихте ли вдигнали чашите си високо?
Пр.: ...
Ohh I've been travelin on this road too long
Just trying to find my way back home
The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone
Ohh I've been travelin on this road too long ...
  11525  12 
Хайде, тръгвай,
просто си върви.
Не мога да те спра, свободна си.
Взимай тези вещи, щом толкова ...
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony of summer air ...
Guess this means you're sorry
You're standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before
Like how much you wanted ...
We've run out of words we've run out of time
We've run out of reasons really why we together
We both know it's over baby bottom line
It's best we don't even talk at all
Don't call me even if I should cross your mind ...
Da da da da, da da da da
Da da da, da da
Da da da, da da
I don't know if I can yell any louder - Не зная да ли мога да викам по-силно.
How many time I've kicked you outta here? - Колко пъти съм те изритвала от тук? ...
Oh when you feel your heart's guarded
And you see the brakes started
And when the clouds have all departed
You'll be right here with me
(DJ says) ...
You walked with me,
Footprints in the sand,
And helped me understand,
Where I'm going,
You walked with me, ...
Just like a shadow
I'll be beside you
I'll be your comfort
And let it guide you home
I will provide you a place of shelter ...
Let me hold you – Позволи да те прегърна,
For the last time – за последен път.
It's the last chance to feel again – Това е единствения шанс, да чувствам отново.
But you broke me – Но ти ме нарани,
Now I can't feel anything – сега не мога да почувствам нищо. ...
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I'll sing it one last time for you - Ще го произнеса, за последен път,
Then we really have to go - а след това ние наистина трябва да тръгваме.
You've been the only thing that's right - Ти бе единственото правилно нещо
In all I've done - през целия ми живот.
And I can barely look at you - И не мога ...
I don't wanna feel the way that i do
I just wanna be right here with you
I don't wanna see, see us apart
I just wanna tell you straight from my heart
Hey, i can't sleep ...
Pink - Sober
I don't wanna be the girl who laughs the loudest
Or the girl who never wants to be alone
I don't wanna be that call at 4 o'clock in the morning
'Cause I'm the only one you know in the world that won't be home ...
  21439  11 
Away aways, oh yea away away
This feels like the coldest day in a hurricane looking through a glass window
and ya screaming to the top of yours lungs, and the bells done rung
and the crowd can't hear you
and all that i can see is a building burning ...
[Keri] - [Keри]
Ay, ay – E, е.
Can you find my sexy body, oh – Можеш ли да откриеш готиното ми тяло,ооо.
Boy come explore – Момче, ела и ме проучи.
Ay - Ее. ...
[Missy Elliott]
Now if your dude ain't actin right you tell that dude (he got to go)
If that dude be claming that he broke you tell that dude (he got to go)
If he want chu too stay in the house every day and night tell him (he got to go) ...
The blank pages of my diary, -> Белите страници от моя дневник,
That I haven't touched since you left me, ->не съм ги докосвала, откакто ти ме напусна.
The closed blinds in my home -> Пуснатите щори, в домът ми,
See no light of day. -> не са виждали бял ден.
Dust gathers on my stereo -> Уредбата ми ...
You don't buy me flowers - Не ми купуваш цветя,
You don't buy me drinks - не ми купуваш питиета,
You don't drive me anywhere - не ме водиш никъде,
but totally insane - направо си е лудост.
We used to talk for hours - Преди говорехме с часове, ...
Christina Aguilera - Keeps getting better
Step back gonna come at ya fast
I'm driving out of control
And getting ready to crash
Won't stop shaking up what I can ...
[Chris Brown] ---> Крис Броун
Weak ---> Седмица,
I have been crying and crying for week---> плачех и плачех със седмици.
How'd I survive when I could barely speak--->Как бих оцелял, като едва говоря?
Barely eat?---> Почти не се храня? ...
If the sun shuts down and decided not to shine no more
I would still have you, baby
If we see the last day and they say we gotta go to war
I'll be fighting with you, baby
Cuz I know if I'm falling, you won't let me hit the ground ...
We're driving slow through the snow on 5th Avenue
And right now radio's all that we can hear
Now we ain't talk since we left, it's so over due
It's cold outside but between us it's worse in here
The world slows down ...
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You change your mind --- > Ти сменяш мнението си,
Like a girl changes clothes --- > точно както момиче променящо облеклото си.
Yeah you, PMS --- > Да ти, ПМС,
Like a bitch --- > като кучка,
I would know --- > би трябвало да знам. ...
  17836  19 
I dance around this empty house
Tear us down
Throw you out
Screaming down the halls
Spinning all around and now we fall ...
: ??:??