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Dead Skin
So I'm the king of all these things
Of this mess I have made
Such a waste, what a shame
My whole life is a fake ...
Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall
I turn the music up, i got my records on
i shut the world outside until the lights come on
maybe the streets alight, maybe the trees are gone
i feel my heart start beating to my favourite song ...
Sometimes I see the pulse
numb I feel,
so unreal.
Blood on my lips I taste the heavy lead.
What can I find behind the mirror, ...
Some Unholy War
If my man was fighting
Some unholy war
I would be behind him
Straight shook up beside him ...
Отвори сърцето си
В дните изпълнени с радост и в дните изпълнени с мъка,
не зная какво да сторя.
Дали ще съм щастлив днес или самотен утре,
всичко зависи от теб. ...
There are no words, to paint a picture of you girl
Your eyes, those curls, it's like you're from some other world
You walk my way, oh God it's so frustrating.
So why do I disappear when you come near,
It makes me feel so small, ...
Papa Roach - No matter what
I need you right here, by my side
You're everything I'm not in my life.
We're indestructible, we are untouchable
Nothing can take us down tonight ...
Joel & Luke - Love's To Blame
Time in Time I thought through it all
How we loved and loved
and how we fought each other
pushing one another ...
Alicia Keys - Fallin'
I keep on fallin'... in and out of love with you
Sometimes I love ya, uhh, sometimes you make me blue
Sometimes I feel good, at times I feel used
Lovin' you darlin', makes me so confused ...
James Morrison - The pieces dont fit anymore
I've been twisting and turning in a space that's too small
I've been drawing the line and watching it fall
You've been closing me in , closing the space in my heart
Watching us fading and watching it all fall apart ...
Anywhere But Here
Is this the end of the moment
Or just a beautiful unfolding
Of a love that will never be?
Or maybe be ...
Кукс - Остатъци от сърцето (Щастлив)
Authors: Luke Pritchard & Tony Hoffer
Автори: Люк Причард & Тони Хофър ...
Eurovision 2010
Альоша - Мили хора
Евровизия 2010
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These Four Walls - Love Song
This is for that empty feeling,
I'd forgotten what solitude felt like
This was new to me
Learning how to breathe ...
Hello sweetpie
I`m really glad you could make it
I think we should get straight to business
Show me what you`ve got
It`s all yours ...
Реми Зеро - ... сякаш всичко се разпада...
Authors: Shelby Tate, Cedric LeMoyne, Gregory Scott Slay, Tate August Cinjun & Jeffrey Cain Thompson
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Jack's Obsession / Манията на Джак
Something's up with Jack
Something's up with Jack
Don't know if we're ever going to get him back ...
Keane - This is the last time
This is the last time
That I will say these words
I remember the first time
The first of many lies ...
P!nk - F**kin' Perfect
Made a wrong turn once or twice
Dug my way out blood and fire
Bad decisions that's all right
Welcome to my silly life ...
Реми Зеро - Ще си спомням абсолютно всичко винаги
Authors: Shelby Tate, Cedric LeMoyne, Gregory Scott Slay, Tate August Cinjun & Jeffrey Cain Thompson
------------------------------------------------------------ ...
Serj Tankian - Sky is Over
Everybody knows,
Everybody knows,
That you cradle the sun,
(Suffer life again), ...
Anastacia feat. Ben Moody - Everything Burns
She sits in her corner,
Singing herself to sleep
Wrapped in all of the promises ...
Joe Jonas - See No More
It was saturday when I got that call
Far away from feeling small
I know, I know, I know what the truth is, yeah
I tried to look away from what you did ...
Keane - A Bad Dream
Why do I have to fly
over every town up and down the line?
I'll die in the clouds above
and you that I defend, I do not love. ...
Идва дъжда
Горещи лепкава сцени, знаеш какво имам предвид.
Подобно на пустинното слънце, което изгаря кожата ми.
Чакал съм го толкова дълго време,
отворете небето и го остави да слезе. ...
Aloe Blacc - I need a dollar
I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
hey hey
Well I need a dollar dollar, a dollar is what I need
hey hey ...
Hurts - Майката природа
Живота, който тя ми вдъхва, в сънищата си аз виждам.
Но забравям я на сутринта.
И свободен за да бъда, не нуждая се от нейната свещена благодат.
И мога да го понеса, когато тя говори. ...
Three Days Grace - Gone Forever
Don't know what's going on
Don't know what went wrong
Feels like a hundred years
I still can't believe you're gone ...
The Fray - Изведнъж
Има определени хора, към които продължаваш да се връщаш.
Тя е точно пред теб.
Започваш да се чудиш дали не можеш да намериш някоя по-добра.
Сега, сравнена с другата, тя е под въпрос. ...
Anna Margaret - Something About The Sunshine
Wake up to the blue sky,
grab your shades and let`s go for a ride.
Breakfast by the ocean,
we`ll do lunch and sunset and vine. ...
Чуй песента
I Wish I Was The Moon
Chimney falls and lovers blaze
Thought that I was young
Now I've freezing hands and bloodless veins ...
James Morrison - Love is Hard
I see lovers in the streets walking,
without a care.
They're wearing out loud
like there's something in the air ...
Надявам се да ви хареса превода :P Опитах се този път да е по-мелодичен така да се каже :)
Hurts - Водата
Невинни плуват те.
Аз им казвам „не”.
Те просто гмурват се. ...
Civil Twilight - Human
There’s one way out and one way in
Back to the beginning
There’s one way back to home again
To where I feel forgiven ...
Ръкавицата в този дуел (а не дует!) беше хвърлена от дамата -- какво да се прави, времената са такива. Излишно е да казвате кой превод по ви е харесал, на нас ни е ясно, че безкрайно големи величини не могат да се сравняват.
Историята ни задължава да ви запознаем и с превода на Георги Рупчев, публик ...
  2791  23 
Reeve Carney ft.Bono and The Edge - Rise Above (One)
And you said rise above
Open your eyes up
And you said rise above
But I can’t ...
Green Day - Wake me up when september ends
Summer has come and passed.
The innocent can never last
Wake me up,
When September ends. ...
Сянка върху стената
Пр.: Сянка върху стената.
Като сянка върху стената.
Дръж се с мен като със затворник,
дръж се с мен като с глупак, ...
Една песен със страхотно звучене и въздействие =]
Времето не чака никого.
Така че, искаш ли да изгубиш малко време,
o, о, довечера?
Не се страхувай от утрешния ден. ...
Работя нощем, работя денем,
за да платя сметките големи.
Не е ли тъжно?
И все пак изглежда няма начин
да спестя и мъничко петаче. ...
: ??:??