13 271 резултата
Under a lover's sky.
I'm gonna be with You.
And no one's gonna be around.
If You think that You won't fall.
Well just wait until the sun goes down. ...
Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, is there a silence
In the bedroom and all around
Touch me now, I close my eyes ...
Жената...каква би трябвало да бъде?-автор Рита Раски,
превод на български Весела Кънчева
Жената... би трябвало да бъде - каква?
Съвременна лъвица или кротка и вярна?
Такава,която може винаги без съжаление ...
Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in the background of the morgue
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me ...
Lithium, don't want to lock me up inside.
Lithium, don't want to forget how it feels without...
Lithium, I want to stay in love with my sorrow.
Oh, but God, I want to let it go.
Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone. ...
  17319  15 
Feels like the weight of the world,
Like God in heaven gave me a turn.
Don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you.
Still in the dark, can you fix me?
Freefall, freefall, all through life. ...
Under your spell again.
I can't say no to you.
Crave my heart and it's bleeding in your hand.
I can't say no to you.
Shouldn't have let you torture me so sweetly. ...
Baby don't go
In my dreams I know you're always by my side
Everywhere I go you linger in my mind
I've been waiting so long for a special guy
Then you came to lift me up and make me fly ...
  4241  12 
How the hell did we wind up like this
Why weren't we able
To see the signs that we missed
And try to turn the tables ...
  17823  10 
I Want To Know What Love Is
I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I'm older ...
Je T'aime
D'accord, il existait d'autres façons de se quitter
Quelques éclats de verres auraient peut être pu nous aider
Dans ce silence amer, j'ai décidé de pardonner
Les erreurs qu'on peut faire à trop s'aimer ...
  12128  13 
Can't fight the moonlight
Under the lover-sky
Gonna be with you
And no one's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall ...
Hotel California
The Eagles
On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas ...
Take It
by Tom Novy ft. Lima
Four oґclock in the morning
itґs dawninґ
And the taxis are waiting ...
  10842  11 
Тhe words have been drained from this pencil
Sweet words that I want to give you
And I can't sleep
I need to tell you ...
You held my hand and walked me home, I know
Why you gave me the kiss, it was something like this, it made me go oh oh
You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go
Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love, guys are so hard to trust
Did I not tell you that I'm not like ...
Няма нещастна любов-автол Юлия Друнина
превод на български Весела Кънчева
Няма нещастна любов.
Няма. .. Не се бойте да попаднете
в эпицентъра на свръхмощния взрив, ...
Любовница или приятел-авторЧерный Дикий Котяра
Превод на български Весела Кънчева
Животът е толкова сложен…. Любовта не търпи суета...
Проблемите жизнени са чужди за любовта …
А тъй като ги има…на мен ми се иска… ...
"За всичко й прощавам..." -автор Наталья Туровая превод на български Весела Кънчева Ще се сгуша в твойте гърди - предпази ме, любими, От зло, от алчност, от обиди, от страха невидим… Скрий ме! Да не ме намерят! Че ми е болно… И страдам… Скрий ме, мой мили, от любовта... За всичко й прощавам. За туй, ...
> DANIEL BEDINGFIELD-"If You're Not The One"
> If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
> If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
> If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call ...
  3871  12 
Rock Your Body
Don't be so quick to walk away
Dance with me
I wanna rock your body, please stay
Dance with me ...
Sherrie Lea - No ordinary love
I gave you all the love I got
I gave you more than I could give
I gave you love
I gave you all that I have inside ...
  3270  10 
No Doubt - Don`t speak
You and me
We used to be together
Every day together always
I really feel ...
  37842  14 
Madonna - The power of goodbye
Your heart is not open so I must go
The spell has been broken I loved you so
Freedom comes when you learn to let go
Creation comes when you learn to say no ...
Чакай ме и ще се върна.
Истински ме чакай.
Даже да посърнат
цветовете в мрака,
Чакай в зима, в лято, ...
Когато светлини гасят и няма ме във твоя път Когато думите мълчат и листи във тревата спят -опадали листа на есента в покой застинали Помни до теб съм винаги. Когато пролет стопи леда и преодолееш беда, считай че не аз помагам. Друг топлина ти предлага. Другият – “Скъпи мой!” нека счита че това е то ...
"Обръщаме Гръб"
"On The Turning Away" by David Gilmour
Обръщаме гръб на слабите и онеправданите,
А те изричат непонятни слова…
"Не приемайте нещата така! ...
Smooth operator
by Sade
(Music & Lyrics : Sade Adu - St. John)
He's laughing with another girl
And playing with another heart. ...
Rade Lackovic
Ceo grad me zenio sa tobom
Dao bih sve da si tu da te imam
dok te gledam da ti se divim
ali ti ne zelis to zasto da zivim ...
Ти и ръката ти
късно вечер,
избарана ...
  7336  12 
Christina Aquilera-Walk away
What do you do when you know something's bad for you
And you still can't let go
I was naive
Your love was like candy ...
by Backstreet Boys
Don't pretend your sorry
I know you're not ...
Artist:Unkle feat. Richard Ashcroft
Song: Lonely soul
Richard Ashcroft:
God knows you're lonely souls
God knows you're lonely souls ...
Любов-автор Т. Калганова
превод на български-Весела Кънчева
Веднъж попитах Любовта:
«Кажи, къде е твойта сила?
Че с тебе мога и да пея, ...
Зареди оръжията
Доведи и приятелите си
Забавно е да загубиш и да се преструваш
Тя е смазана и самоуверена
О, не аз знам мръсна дума ...
Sugarbabes - Too Lost In You
You look into my eyes
I go out of my mind
I can't see anything
Cos this love's got me blind ...
  13413  12 
Аз срещу аз
Плът от плътта ми
Разум от разумът ми
Два различни вида, но един няма оцелее
Образът ми се отразява в окото на противника ...
Aerosmith - I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender ...
DJ Tiesto - Just Be
You can travel the world
but you can`t runaway
from the person you are in your heart
You can be ...
  12491  16 
: ??:??