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Train - 50 Ways To Say Goodbye
My heart was paralyzed
My head was oversized
I'll take the high road like I should
You said it's meant to be ...
Адриано Челентано - Мисля за теб и светът се променя
Autori: Pacifico [Luigi (Gino) De Crescenzo], Matteo Saggese & Stephen Lipson
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Ноеми Скопелити - Върху кожата си
Autori: Noemi Scopelliti
Автори: Ноеми Скопелити ...
Kiss me
Settle down with me.
Cover me up.
Cuddle me in.
Lie down with me, ...
Marillion - Beautiful
Everybody knows we live in a world
Where they give bad names to beautiful things
Everybody knows we live in a world
Where we don't give beautiful things a second glance ...
Дейвид Боуи - Самотно момче, самотно момиче
(мелодията е като на "Space Oddity")
Testo di: Giulio Rapetti Mogol
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Imany - You Will Never Know
It breaks my heart 'cos I know
You're the one for me
Don't you feel sad
There never was a story, obviously. ...
"Million Dollar Man"
You said I was the most exotic flower
Holding me tight in our final hour
I don't know how you convince them and get them, but
I don't know what you do, it's unbelievable ...
Красивият изгрев припламва
във очите ти.
Цветовете прекрасни в душата ми
призовават те.
Ти ме обля като летен дъжд, ...
"Oh Say Can You See"
Oh, say can you see my stars
The night time is almost ours
To wander through Hayley's and look at the bars
Night time is almost ours ...
Course Of Nature - Caught In The Sun
You're my distant destination of choice
I'd give anything just to hear your voice
I could have passed you on the street
Without saying a word ...
Little Mix - DNA
Does he tell you he loves you when you least expect it
Does he flutter your heart when he kisses your neck
No scientist, or biology
It’s obvious, when he’s holding me ...
Adele - Tired
Hold my hand
while you cut me down
It had only just begun
but now it's over now ...
Alexander Rybak - 13 коне
Thirteen horses swimming in the sea
13 коне плуват в морето,
Waiting for someone to find them
чакайки някой да ги намери. ...
Halestorm - Familiar Taste of Poison
Drink the wine my darlin’ you said
Take your time and consume all of it
But the roses
Were only to drain my inspiration ...
Lana Del Rey - Gods and Monsters
In the land of Gods and Monsters, I was an angel,
Living in the garden of evil.
Screwed up, scared, doing anything that I needed,
Shining like a fiery beacon. ...
Pulp - Like A Friend
Don't bother saying you're sorry.
Why don't you come in?
Smoke all my cigarettes again.
Every time I get no further. ...
"In It For Life"
There's a time when we try
To begin what is ending
If at first you don't succeed
Then we just end up pretending ...
На гърди му раната кърви,
но невидима е тази кръв...
Само чувства са това, уви,
на туй куче, вързано със връв.
Откакто ме напусна вън вали ...
The Smashing Pumpkins - Crestfallen
Who am I to need you when I'm down?
Where are you when I need you around?
Your life is not your own
And all I ask you ...
Lana del Rey – Hit & Run Lyrics
Hollywood and New York, mister Major
Then there’s me
Little queen of the stage
He’s a God ...
[Intro: Nicki Minaj]
Spirit of Marilyn callin' me, audibly
Bawlin' she, said that she would never leave
Continued to torture me
Telling me to come with her ...
Не, това вече не се търпи –
да казвам всичко, казано преди!
Тези думи – коя ли значи нещо?
Невежеството е блаженство.
Слушам ли малко, ти малко ще говориш. ...
Brian Bedford - What's the Use of Wings?
"I could have been a giant" said the Bonsai tree
"But someone bound my roots and held me down."
"I could have reached the Heavens" said the snowy owl
"But they clipped my wings and kept me on the ground." ...
Stay with me
I'm chasing the shadows
I'm running out of time this time
They say that it's hopeless anyway
You're breathing, you're fighting ...
Alicia Keys Feat. Nicki Minaj - "Girl On Fire"
[Intro: Nicki Minaj]
Spirit of Marilyn callin' me, audibly
Bawlin' she, said that she would never leave
Continued to torture me ...
Pour up, drank, head shot, drank
Sit down, drank, stand up, drank
Pass out, drank, wake up, drank
Faded, drank, faded, drank
[Verse 1] ...
The nobodies
Today I'm dirty
I want to be pretty
Tomorrow I know, I'm just dirt
Today I'm dirty ...
Salut, c'est encore moi!
Здравей, пак съм аз!
Salut, comment tu vas?
Здравей, как я караш?
Le temps m'a paru très long ...
(Когато започна...)
Нямах какво да кажа
и се изгубих в празнотата на душата си.
(Бях объркан...)
И споделих всичко, за да открия, ...
Into My Arms
I don't believe in an interventionist God
But I know, darling, that you do
But if I did I would kneel down and ask Him
Not to intervene when it came to you ...
Miss Li- I can't get you off my mind
I can't get you, get you off my mind.
I can't get you, get you off my mind.
I'm hanging round the phone,
waiting for a call. ...
DIO - Don't Talk To Strangers
Don't talk to strangers
'Cause they're only there to do you harm
Don't write in starlight
'Cause the words may come out real ...
She Wolf(Falling to pieces)
A shot in the dark
A past,lost in space
And where do I start
The past and the chase? ...
Франко Батиато - Номади
(Autori: Juri Camisasca)
(Автори: Юри Камисаска)
Nomadi che cercano gli angoli della tranquillita ...
My mouth was a crib
And it was growing lies
I didn't know what love was on that day
Her hearts a tiny blood clot
I picked at it, it never heals, it never goes away ...
I saw a picture of you
Hanging in an empty hallway
I heard a voice that I knew
And I couldn't walk away ...
Aerosmith - What Could Have Been Love
I wake up and wonder how everything went wrong.
Am I the one to blame?
I gave up and left you for a nowhere-bound train.
Now that train has come and gone. ...
“Welcome To The End”
(Welcome home... lets hide away... before they see...i need so much... to be alone with you... i do ... i do...)
"Welcome home" she said to me,
"Let's hide away before they see. i need
So much to be alone with you, i do, i do (i do, i do)" ...
I don't need to be a global citizen
Because I'm blessed by nationality
I'm member of a growing populace
We enforce our popularity
There are things that ...
: ??:??