382 results
Running Back (ft. Flo Rida)
[Verse 1]
These days you barely even say my name
Like you don't really feel the same
I'm wondering whats to blame ...
Ten Sharp - You
It's allright with me
As long as you
Are by my side
Talk, or just say nothing ...
(soundtrack of "Married with Children")
Франк Синатра - Любов и Брак
Love and marriage, love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother ...
Helena Paparizou - My Number One (Eurovision 2005, Greece)
Artist: Helena Paparizou
Song: My Number One (Eurovision 2005, Greece)
You’re my lover ...
[the English version of "Cancao do mar" (Dulce Pontes)]
Сара Брайтман - Харем
[английската версия на "Песента на морето" (Дулсе Понтеш)]
Burning sands, winds of desire
Mirrored oasis reflect a burning fire ...
Bethany Joy Galeotti – Feel this
1.It's gotta be this one,
You don't have to fake it
You know I can take it
What if I told you your tears haven't been ignored ...
(Angel of Music)
Фантомът на операта - Малката Лоти/ Огледалото (Ангелът на музиката)
Performance: Michael Crawford & Sarah Brightman
Composer: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Natalie Imbruglia - Torn
I thought I saw a man brought to life
He was warm, he came around like he was dignified
He showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldnt be that man I adored ...
Black - Wonderful Life
Here I go out to see again
the sunshine fills my hair
and dreams hang in the air
Gulls in the sky and in my blue eyes ...
Morandi - Angels
People stop fighting
Angels are crying
We can be better
Love is the answer ...
Birds flying high
You know how I feel
Sun in the sky
You know how I feel
Reeds driftin' on by ...
Грегориан & Сара Брайтман - В момент на спокойствие
Moment of Peace
Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm
Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah
In a moment of peace ...
Words Don't Come Easy
Words, don't come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you ...
People stop fighting.
Angels are crying.
We can be better.
Love is the answer. ...
Forgive us our trespasses
(Прости ни прегрешенията,)
As we forgive those who have trespassed against us
(както ние прощаваме, на тези, които прегрешават против нас,)
Give us this day our daily bread ...
The world was on fire
No one could save me but you.
Strange what desire will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet somebody like you
And I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you ...
[the English version of "Ti amo" (Umberto Tozzi)]
Лаура Браниган - Обичам те
[английската версия на "Ti amo" (Умберто Тоци)]
(Authors: Giancarlo Bigazzi, Umberto Tozzi & Diane Warren)
(Автори: Джанкарло Бигаци, Умберто Тоци & Диан Уорън) ...
I can fly
But I want his wings
I can shine even in the darkness ...
Esta noche bailamos
Te doy toda mi vida
Quedate conmigo
Tonight we dance ...
People stop fighting
Angels are crying
We can be better ...
Light of My Life
Wandering like a leaf upon the wind
I have been searching for someone
Holding out for a love to shake my soul
Heaven or nothing ...
Part Of Me
Look in these eyes, you'll see the dark
That little space inside my heart
The darkest side withholds the light
The light that brightens me inside ...
Elisa Toffoli
Time is gonna take my mind
and carry it far away where I can fly
The depth of life will dim my temptation to live for you ...
  7713  15 
One That I Want
[John:]I got chills, they're multiplyin', and I'm losin' control
Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'
[Olivia:]You better shape up, cause I need a man,
and my heart is set on you ...
De-Javu - I Can't Stop (Не мога да спра)
The moment's looking right---> Моментът изглежда подходящ.
Just love and not a fight---> Само любов, без война.
So tonight I think we're gonna make it happen---> Така че си мисля, че тази вечер ще се случи.
Your voice gives me desire---> Гласът ти ме кара да ...
See reflections on the water
more than darkness in the depths
see him surface in every shadow
on the wind I feel his breath ...
U2 - Electrical storm
The sea it swells like a sore head
And the night it is aching
Two lovers lie with no sheets on their bed
And the day it is breaking ...
Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
Kiss me out of the bearded barley
Nightly, beside the green, green grass
Swing, swing, swing the spinning step
You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress. ...
Sugababes - Too Lost In You
You look into my eyes
I go out of my mind
I can't see anything
Cos this love's got me blind ...
Morandi - Angels Моранди - Ангели
People stop fighting Хора, спрете да се карате.
Angels are crying Ангелите плачат.
We can be better Можем да сме по-добре.
Love is the answer Любов е отговорът. ...
  36074  41 
only ones
Слави Трифонов, Ку-Ку Бенд & Софи Маринова - Единствени
(Slavi Trofonov, Ku-Ku Band & Sofi Marinova - Edinstveni)
Автори: Георги Милчев - Годжи
(Authors: Georgi Milchev - Godji) ...
[the English version of "Senza una donna" (Zucchero)]
Дзукеро & Пол Йънг - Без жена
[английската версия на "Senza una donna" (Дзукеро)]
[Authors: Adelmo Fornaciari (Zucchero) & Frank Musker]
[Автори: Аделмо Форначари (Дзукеро) & Франк Мускер] ...
(the English version of "In assenza di te")
Лаура Паузини - Това не е сбогуване
(английската версия на "В твое отсъствие")
(Authors: Antonio Galbiati, Laura Pausini, Alfredo Rapetti Mogol & Shelly Peiken)
(Автори: Антонио Галбиати, Лаура Паузини, Алфредо Рапети Могол & Шели Пейкен) ...
(the English version of "Diamante")
Дзукеро - Диаманте
(английската версия на "Диаманте")
[Authors: Francesco De Gregori, Frank Musker, Zucchero (Adelmo Fornaciari), Mino Vergnaghi & Matteo Saggese)]
[Автори: Франческо Де Грегори, Франк Мускър, Дзукеро (Адлемо Форначари), Мино Верняги & Матео Саджезе] ...
Wham - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
You put the boom-boom into my heart
You send my soul sky high when your lovin' starts
Jitterbug into my brain
Goes a bang-bang-bang 'til my feet do the same ...
(превод на английски превод)
Представям ви български превод на арията "Дует на цветята" от операта Лакме, от Лео Делибес. Тази мелодия сте я чували често, но някой може и да не знае от къде е. Ето тук в класическо изпълнение. Преведения текст започва 1 минута и 20 секунди след началото:
http://uk.yo ...
Анди Уилямс - От къде да започна
Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea,
The simple truth about the love she brings to me? ...
Лоренцо Да Понте - Не ще си вече
(превод на английски превод)
Това е превод на арията "Non più andrai" от операта "Сватбата на Фигаро" от Волфганг Амадеус Моцарт (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart). Либретото е написано от Lorenzo Da Ponte (Лоренцо Да Понте), базирана е на театрална комедия от Pierre Beaumarc ...
Over the Rainbow
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream ...
Michael Sembello - Maniac
Just a still town girl on a saturday night, lookin' for the fight of her life
In the real-time world no one sees her at all, they all say she's crazy
Locking rhythms to the beat of her heart, changing woman into life
She has danced into the danger zone, when a dancer become ...
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