7 el resultado
Opaque black orbs of a material unfathomed
Of make and origin transcendent,
In city streets, more labyrinths, they’re shining
but the napless, noxious light can’t make them suns.
In a manner of speaking, they’re dead, ...
In the realm of writhing maggots
Rule the sleeping kings and queens,
Loyal knights and slavish peasants
Give their essence for the kingdom’s wreath.
Wind may sunder stone or mountain ...
Scream! Silence. Mother weep,
The little sailor’s gone forever.
Water. Fury. Drowning. Deep.
The seaman’s essence, lost. A Siren.
The cradle of waves, his home, now feels empty ...
Let us ask you, Mother, these chosen questions,
Most thought over, most mulled, most complex.
For we are yours, even if we are our own fathers,
And only you can banish the fears
that bother, that torment, that vex ...
I lie awake most nights, in stupor from the fear
That I am not a man, but beast,
An abomination from a dream.
The darkness not obscuring, it makes things clear,
The merest whisper transformed into a scream. ...
I was a man before I lost it all
I ran and sang and danced,
The die, however, as I recall
Made of blood and bone, was cast.
The hate for them and theirs was great, a leper of the soul, ...
: ??:??