3 el resultado
I see forever when I look in your eyes
You're all I ever wanted, I always want you to be mine
Let's make a promise 'till the end of time
We'll always be together, and our love will never die
So here we are face to face and heart to heart ...
Мислиш,че си оправила всичко,
добре знаеш,че не можеш да се справиш сама.
Всички се нуждаят някой да им помогне,
и ти знаеш,че аз мога да бъда този някой.
И ако се изгубиш по пътя на живота, ...
Bye-bye baby bye-bye
that was all she wrote
I got home late on a Saturday night
And I knew right away something wasn't right
I knew she was gone ...
: ??:??