4 abr 2015, 16:46

Death Note 

  Poesía » De amor
1461 0 1

Among the tired souls of mourn

I walk along the darkest road...

Sleepless nights control my thought.

Now I wish that I were strong...


I admire you from all my soul

This note I write for all I have said before...

No matter the unforgiven truth, 

I still love you, still I do!


And if there was nothing but the truth

I would undress my soul

But untill this moment comes... Of endless rue

I will suffer and differ from all... 


Now It is harder writing just to you...

I only wish your love were true

For because of you... I am feeling blue

I am standing next to love

Hoping that life's enough...

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  • Small imperfections cannot outweigh the heavy, picturesque mood dripping from this text.
    Hold on to life
: ??:??