1 sept 2015, 13:23


  Poesía » Otra
1148 0 2


She handpicked the hearts as fruit
And  never said whom she would choose
But  torn they were from their vines
Oblivious to their use
In making finest timeless wine

And only history would know
This taste that would endure the flow
Of time, of memory, and mortal minds,

One destiny, herself, designed

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  • Благодаря, че се отби, Велин! Спорно писане!
  • Прекрасно е Гаврил! Е, ти си навътре в изразните средства, спор няма! Чел съм доста твои неща, но за първи път коментирам. Този стих има много дълбок смисъл! Оценявам! Поздрави!
: ??:??