No known direction is meant for you.
Not east, nor west, nor north, not even south.
But you're not lost. Just alone.
Somewhere between the trail ways,
your steps are heading.
Unknown to them, no one to complicit,
no one to contribute, no one to take part in.
No one to understand, no one to hold
your hand.
The landing place is obscure.
You're by yourself, wired with solitary.
Detached from the route, which they, for you
You're by yourself, wrapped up by the
silence, needed.
That the silence was the only source
for solace.
That the people only hinder.
The stealers of your joy,
the stealers of your peace,
with nothing in exchange to offer.
Your aim for connection has already
dissolved. It seems you're unfit for it
They all are dug in themselves, your
chances - limited.
Your only fount of understanding,
the place you only feel at home, welcomed
- those, who all are dead.
© Losie Calp Todos los derechos reservados