21 may 2016, 16:55

Survival / Gravity Embrace 

  Poesía » Otra
1036 0 2

with seductive tenderness
you kill millions 
to save one
to condemn one 
to imprisonment
in the end saving none
blind to the failure of reasoning


we only transcend 
to keep the value unchanged
an exchange of chains
so heavy hands
can turn the hourglass
yet again
and this is all we ever do
trading the many for the few


we follow the model
devastate the gardens 
for a single plant
you call this blossoming of beauty
this is endless repetition
of creation and destruction
from the same mold
once mother nature is tired of it all
her children will see 
the most violent kiss good night


I kill millions to save one
for a grave beneath the sun
a shared privilege 
of faded memory

rolling our days up that hill
we are one, yet alone
pushing the tomb stone,
none other but our own


so when you kill millions to save one
between love and war,
the line is slim to none,
but you cannot close the door
and you cannot choose
what to keep and what to lose
and neither can they
thus we learn and we teach to betray


send them all to race for survival
brothers and sisters turned rivals
the first one to cross the line will be the anti-messiah
and also the martyr

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  • Интересни разсъждения, Йоана. Безкрайна верига от щастие, може би не, но е добре всеки да мисли за себе си като за част от едно цяло. Радвам се, че намина.
  • ...аnd this is all we ever do
    trading the many for the few...

    Семейства, мечти, идеали... Конкретното държи общото, значи трябва да пазим елементите. И себе си. Ако всеки пази себе си без да пречи на другите да пазят себе си и поддържа връзката на комуникацията, ще се превърнем в една безкрайна верига от щастие. Но е трудно и животът ни е доказателство... Много харесах този ти текст, Гаврил! Поздрав!
: ??:??