15 sept 2013, 11:07  

The Distance 

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The Distance


Even faraway it's nice to dream.

To look forward to something.

Keeps you going up the stream.

Keeps you truly loving.


I know You better than you think.

I know You more than you know You!

I don’t want to capture you with ring.

Neither to see your Dreams fallen.


Of course,


I have my feelings deep inside.

I have my dreams as well.

But, I haven’t really to decide

How all of them to spell.


The Distance ain't for farewell.

The Distance is for check,

If you are deep in love, my Bell;

If your Dreams are still not wreck… 


March, 2,  2005 Bourgas   

© Симеон Дончев Todos los derechos reservados

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